How to Be Confident in Your Own Body
An Online Course for Women Who Want Body Confidence
How to Become Confident in Your Body
Stephanie Van Schaick, LMHC, C-DBT, CIMHP
Eating Disorder, Body Image and Trauma Therapist
You wake up and within seconds, you’re feeling your body to see what your stomach feels like and if you can feel your bones.
You check the mirror even though you really don’t want to. You suck in your stomach, hold your breath and look at your body from all angles. You think to yourself how your face is puffy and that you really want to look good today. You scan yourself in the mirror, from top to bottom and really don’t like what you see.
You dread when you have to get dressed - it sets the tone for your entire day. Sometimes you wake up and already know it’s going to be a bad day, and other times, it only turns into a bad day once your put your clothes on. Everything feels uncomfortable, physically and mentally. You keep checking your body, evaluating yourself constantly.
You go through your day trying to hide your body or to “fix” your appearance. You check every mirrored surface you pass and adjust yourself accordingly. You often find yourself thinking about what others must think about you. As a result, you do whatever you can to avoid bringing attention to yourself and especially your body. When you’re around other people, you obsess over little details like how they look at you or why they don’t look at you. You start believing that everyone is as hyper-focused on your body and judging it in the same ways you are.
You want to be at peace with your body and to feel confident in it.
I’m Stephanie and I created the Finally Body Confident course for women who want to feel more confident in your body. This course is designed to help you to feel more confident in your body wherever you are in your journey. This is a self-paced course that has 5 modules that include lessons which build upon each other to make body confidence simpler and more attainable. In this course, you will learn through the following modules:
Awareness: You can’t do much to fix a problem if you aren’t even aware of how this problem actually shows up in your life. This module will help you to understand exactly how and to what extent your lack of body confidence is affecting you.
Prepping Your Mindset: Body confidence is a radical shift from where you currently are, so we need to prep your mind to set you up for success for the work that you will be doing during the rest of the course.
Self-Exploration: This may sound silly, but sometimes, we go through life and are not really aware of our beliefs or why we do the things that we do. Without understanding how your beliefs, behaviors and values affect your body image, it will inhibit your ability to work on building body confidence.
Taking Inventory: This module will help you to recognize those things currently in your life that are impacting your confidence in your body including your current beliefs, what and who you surround yourself with and how you think about yourself, amongst other things.
Action: This is where everyone wants to jump to, but without all of the information you learned from the prior modules, taking action won’t lead to long-term success. Once you’ve done the prior work and then get to this module, you will begin to implement everything you’ve learned so far. I aim to take the confusion and overwhelm out of building body confidence by giving you very specific ways that you can take action.
Through this course, you will learn how to feel confident in your body and how you can sustain this newfound confidence.
You will have the foundation to go through life without worrying about your body, your clothes or what you think others are thinking.
This course is for you if:
You are currently struggling with your body image and want to feel confident in your body
You are willing to put in the work to look inside, be honest with yourself and implement the tools to build your body confidence
You are willing to commit to the course and to continue what you learn inside this course into your life once the course is over
This course is not for you if:
You are expecting it to be a miracle course - this course can help you if you put in the work, it will not magically solve your body confidence problems
You are using it as a replacement to therapy when therapy is really what you need to be focused on currently. If you think you may need therapy, reach out to set up a free 15-minute consultation call with me to see how I can help you.
You will have lifetime access to this course
You will get 30 days of journaling prompts that can help you to build upon your body confidence after completing the course
You will also have access to a workbook designed to be used in conjunction with the modules
The cost of this course is $97 which is an investment in yourself. If you’re unsure, I encourage you to ask yourself what the costs will be if you continue on this path of never feeling comfortable in your body?
Finally Body Confident can get you started on your journey to body confidence and will give you lasting tools for life to help your confidence.
I am a therapist who specializes in treating body image issues. Through my work with clients one on one, I have seen patterns that contribute to a person lacking body confidence. I have seen what works to improve body confidence and what gets in the way. With this experience, I put together this course so that more people have access to gaining body confidence and I truly believe that it can help you.
If you are tired of feeling bad about yourself and your body, it’s time to take action.
You can start your journey to body confidence now. Click here to get started.If you are interested in learning how you can become Body Confident, click here!
Disclaimer: This course is not meant to take the place of therapy and enrolling in this course does not constitute a therapeutic relationship. This is not a miracle course. This course is designed to give you tools to help you build a solid foundation toward Body Confidence. The course is what you make of it and, assuming you commit, you will learn about yourself as well as build an understanding of the tools and actions that are important for Body Confidence. This course is best used in conjunction with you seeing a therapist regularly.
If you are seeking therapy to help with your body image struggles, start by setting up a FREE 15-minute phone consultation. To schedule a consultation, call (631)-317-1654 or e-mail Stateofbalancementalhealth@gmail.com or request to be contacted here. Learn more about my specialties below.
Check out my Online Therapy Specialties:
Stephanie Van Schaick, LMHC, C-DBT, CIMHP
How to Become Confident in Your Body FAQs
Building confidence is something that we can all do, but we often struggle with where and how to start. If you want to build your confidence, I would recommend consulting a professional therapist who can help. If you are looking to build confidence in your body, it’s best to find a therapist that specializes in body image and eating disorders.
The good news it that you don’t have to live with this lack of confidence - you can learn to become more confident. I would recommend seeking a therapist who can help you build body confidence. My course is designed as a compliment to therapy to help build body confidence and reinforce the skills that build this confidence.
People can lack body confidence for a variety of reasons including being bullied, growing up in a household focused on self-image or the drive for perfection. These are not the only reasons that a person can lack body confidence. While it can be helpful to identify the root cause of why you lack body confidence, it is not completely necessary in order to build up your self-confidence or body-confidence.