Unveiling Clarity: The Top Truths About Therapy with a Leading Therapist on Long Island
The Truths about Long Island Therapy
The Truth About Long Island Therapy
We had talked about breaking down the myths around therapy on Long Island, now you want to know the truths about therapy, what it is, how it works and if it can help you. I’m here to help!
Let’s get to the bottom of what Long Island therapy actually is!
Therapy on Long Island
Truth #1: Therapy is for Everyone
No matter your age, gender, race or socio-economic status, therapy is for you and there is a therapist for you! Therapy is not just for a select few, therapy can benefit anyone and everyone. The important part is finding the right therapy and therapist for you! For more information on finding the right therapy, check this blog out!
Truth #2: Therapists are Guides, not Fixers
Good and effective therapists are not someone who simply hands you a way to fix all of your problems, after all, we are not magicians! We are professionals who are experienced in helping clients navigate life’s difficulties. Our jobs are to lead you through self-discovery and teach you skills and new ways of thinking in order to empower you in your life and in navigating through it. As a therapist on Long Island, I work together with you in a collaborative way where you are an active partner in your healing journey.
Truth #3: Therapy Strengthens Mental Resilience
In a world where it can be easy to live with a “woe is me” mentality, good therapy will help you to not get stuck in that. It will help to empower you in your ability to handle life’s challenges. When working with me, we will of course explore your feelings and allow time and space to work through them. With that, we also will work on developing tools and skills to empower you to respond to these situations in a new way that helps you enhance your overall well-being. This builds mental resilience which helps you to not feel so badly next time you are faced with a challenging situation.
Truth #4: Effective Results Can Happen Quickly
Everyone thinks that therapy needs to happen for years to see even the most minor results. This is not true. I have seen my clients get effective results relatively quickly, even after a few sessions. In fact, I’ve seen my new clients leave our first session with such hope for healing, that they already feel better. Therapy is a process in which we continue building upon the work we’ve done in order to develop even more effective and desirable results that are long-lasting. As a Long Island therapist that specializes in eating disorders, body image and trauma, I understand the need to feel results quickly and I am experienced in using targeted approaches to get you feeling better and building skills that can help you tremendously.
Truth #5: Therapy is Beneficial for All Ages
Whether you’re a child, adult or senior citizen, therapy can help you! Therapy is not just for adults - you are never too young or too old for therapy, it’s just a matter of finding the right therapist and the right type of therapy for you. As someone who works with women ages 15 and all the way up, I’ve heard quite a few people reach out, who are what society would consider Senior Citizens, worry about whether it’s too late for them to get help and to feel better. My answer is it’s never too late, just as it’s never too early. However old you are, we want to get you feeling better and we can do that no matter how many years you have lived.
Truth #6: Confidentiality is a Priority
Confidentiality is something that not only am I legally and ethically obligated to uphold, I also deeply value. It is imperative that you feel confident in my ability and commitment to maintaining your confidentiality. With very few legal exceptions (which is something we’d discuss more in your intake, more on what to expect in therapy here), confidentiality is guaranteed. If you are confident in your confidentiality, it allows you to feel more comfortable being vulnerable, open and honest, which is crucial for you to get the most out of therapy. All the tools I use ensure your privacy and are also HIPAA-compliant.
Truth #7: Therapy Encourages Personal Growth
Because of the tools, skills and new ways of thinking you learn in therapy, it stays with a person and helps them to continue growing even after the initial therapy ends. Sometimes, people are really frustrated that they needed therapy in the first place (which is something to be explored in therapy), but they recognize that they have learned new tools that they will have forever to help them throughout their lives. Also, some people choose to go to therapy for the sole purpose of working on their personal self-growth which therapy can certainly help with as well!
Truth #8: There is Flexibility in Therapy Duration
As mentioned earlier, you play a vital role in your therapy with a Long Island therapist. We will work together to determine the duration of therapy through checking in on therapeutic goals and the progress that has been made toward these goals as well as what goals, if any, are next to work on. Some people want to seek a shorter duration with quicker results to help deal with their immediate struggle. Other people prefer to continue working on new or revised goals in therapy as they make progress toward the goal they initially had. The duration of therapy will be something that you will discuss with your therapist.
Embrace the Truths – Connect with a Leading Therapist on Long Island Today
Now that you’ve learned the truths about therapy, it’s time to take your first step toward healing. Contact me here today to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation to learn more about how I can help you.
If you want to learn more about my specialties, click here.
#TherapistLongIsland #HealingTruths #EmbraceTheJourney